AEMC 3731 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester Review

  • Posted on: 14 March 2014
  • By: Brady

The AEMC 3731 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester has been discontinued.

Today we’re going to take a look at the AEMC 3731 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester. To be honest, I tend to think that electricity is a kind of magic. The best way I’ve found to understand it is to make comparisons to the flow of water and the various aids and impediments to said flow. Water, being a much more tactile phenomenon is easier for the more lay folks like myself. This analogy leaves out some of the unique and complex features of electricity but it works as a guide.

Basically, resistance in an electrical system can be likened to friction in other physical situations, like water flow. Resistance is then a particular electrical conductor’s tendency to deny flow of current (think dam) while conductivity is its tendency to encourage the flow 9think waterfall). Ground resistance testers like the AEMC 3731 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester specifically measure the resistance of conductors that are grounded and this unit offers some unique features that set it apart from your typical resistance testing unit.

The first obvious advantage to the AEMC 3731 Clamp-On Ground Resistance Tester is the fact that it is, as the name suggested, a clamp-meter. This saves the typical hassle of dealing with test leads, auxiliary rods and spacing equipment. This is as “plug-and-play” as it gets for resistance testing. The AEMC 3731 has a large jaw design that can handle cables up to 1000MCM and has a resistance measurement range of up to 1200Ω. Finally, the AEMC 3731 can detect current leakage from the ground within a range of 1mA to 30A rms.

Hopefully this sheds a little light on a sometimes confusing concept.

Until next time.

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